Journal articles
T.M.J. Nijssen, J.T. Padding and M. Ottens
Hydrodynamics of expanded bed adsorption studied through CFD-DEM
Chemical Engineering Science, vol 280, 2023
DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2023.119027K.A. Buist and T.M.J. Nijssen
Magnetic Particle Tracking: a semi-algebraic solution
Chemical Engineering Science, vol 265, 2023
DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2022.118212T.M.J. Nijssen, M. Ottens and J.T. Padding
A note on the modelling of lubrication forces in unresolved simulations
Powder Technology, vol 413, 2023
DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2022.118017T.M.J. Nijssen, J.A.M. Kuipers, J. van der Stel, A.T. Adema and K.A. Buist
Large-scale VOF/CFD-DEM simulation of blast furnace hearth dynamics
ISIJ International, vol. 62-4, 2022
DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2021-521T.M.J. Nijssen, I. Hoeks, V. Manjunath, J.A.M. Kuipers, J. van der Stel, A.T. Adema and K.A. Buist
Experiments and simulations on a cold-flow blast furnace hearth model
Chemical Engineering Science: X, vol. 13, 2022
DOI: 10.1016/j.cesx.2022.100120T.M.J. Nijssen, M.A.H. Van Dijk, J.A.M. Kuipers, J. van der Stel, A.T. Adema, and K.A. Buist
Experiments on floating bed rotating drums using magnetic particle tracking
AIChE Journal, e17627, 2022
DOI: 10.1002/aic.17627T.M.J. Nijssen, O.J.I. Kramer, P.J. de Moel, J. Rahman, J.P. Kroon, P. Berhanu, E.S. Boek, K.A. Buist, J.P. van der Hoek, J.T. Padding, and J.A.M. Kuipers
Experimental and numerical insights into heterogeneous liquid-solid behaviour in drinking water softening reactors
Chemical Engineering Science: X, vol. 11, 2021
DOI: 10.1016/j.cesx.2021.100100T.M.J. Nijssen, J.A.M. Kuipers, J. van der Stel, A.T. Adema, and K.A. Buist
Complete liquid-solid momentum coupling for unresolved CFD-DEM simulations
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol. 132, 2020
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2020.103425V.V. Mahajan, T.M.J. Nijssen, J.A.M. Kuipers, and J.T. Padding
Non-spherical particles in a pseudo-2D fluidized bed: Modelling study
Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 192, 2018
DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2018.08.041V.V. Mahajan, T.M.J. Nijssen, K.A. Buist, J.A.M. Kuipers, and J.T. Padding
Non-spherical particles in a pseudo-2D fluidized bed: Experimental study
AIChE Journal, vol. 64, no. 12, 2018
DOI: 10.1002/aic.16078L.F. Zubeir, T.M.J. Nijssen, T. Spyriouni, J. Meuldijk, J.R. Hill, and M.C. Kroon
Carbon Dioxide Solubilities and Diffusivities in 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Tricyanomethanide Ionic Liquids: An Experimental and Modeling Study
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, vol. 61, no. 12, 2016
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.6b00657
PhD thesis
- T.M.J. Nijssen
Dynamic behaviour of liquid-solid systems: Modelling and experiments applied to the blast furnace hearth
Eindhoven University of Technology (NL), November 2021
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28510.72001
Data sets
T.M.J. Nijssen, J.T. Padding and M. Ottens
Data companion to: Hydrodynamics of Expanded Bed Adsorption studied through CFD-DEM
4TU.ResearchData, July 2023
DOI: 10.4121/ebaf0dc5-d8d2-4eb7-8f28-21f7f9b2335cT.M.J. Nijssen, M.A.H. Van Dijk, J.A.M. Kuipers, J. van der Stel, A.T. Adema, and K.A. Buist
Data underlying the publication: Experiments on floating bed rotating drums using magnetic particle tracking
4TU.ResearchData, February 2021
DOI: 10.4121/13721104.v1O.J.I. Kramer, C. van Schaik and T.M.J. Nijssen
Videos - Fluidisation of calcite-pellets 0.8-0.9mm and 1.4-1.7 mm in water for various flow rates
4TU.ResearchData, January 2021
DOI: 10.4121/13277246.v3O.J.I. Kramer and T.M.J. Nijssen
Videos – CFD-DEM simulations: fluidisation of calcite-pellets in water
4TU.ResearchData, January 2021
DOI: 0.4121/13663619.v1
Open-source code contributions
T.M.J. Nijssen, M. Ottens and J.T. Padding
Script companion to: A note on the modelling of lubrication forces in unresolved simulations
4TU.ResearchData, March 2022
DOI: 10.4121/19329365.v2
Github: of Particulate Flow Modelling, JKU, Linz
Github: of Particulate Flow Modelling, JKU, Linz